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What can you see in the National Gallery?

What can you see in the National Gallery?

National Gallery Highlights

  • “The Virgin of the Rocks” (Leonardo da Vinci, around 1491/2-9 and 1506-8)
  • “A Young Woman standing at a Virginal” (1670-2, Johannes Vermeer)
  • “The Arnolfini Portrait” (Jan van Eyck, 1434)
  • “The Toilet of Venus” (‘The Rokeby Venus’) (Diego Velázquez, 1647-51)

What is the national gallery known for?

The National Gallery of Art, founded as a gift to the nation, serves as a center of visual art, education, and culture. Our collection of more than 150,000 paintings, sculpture, decorative arts, photographs, prints, and drawings spans the history of Western art and showcases some of the triumphs of human creativity.

Where is the Mona Lisa kept?

Louvre Museum (since 1797)
Mona Lisa/Locations
Where is the real Mona Lisa kept? The Mona Lisa hangs behind bulletproof glass in a gallery of the Louvre Museum in Paris, where it has been a part of the museum’s collection since 1804. It was part of the royal collection before becoming the property of the French people during the Revolution (1787–99).

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What should you not miss at the National Gallery?

5 Things to See at the National Gallery of Art

  • Ginevra de’ Benci by Leonardo da Vinci. This is the only da Vinci in the entire western hemisphere!
  • The Portrait of Countess Ebba Sparre – Suspected Lover of a Queen.
  • Little Dancer by Degas.
  • The East Wing.
  • The Sculpture Garden.

What is the purpose of the National Gallery of art?

The mission of the National Gallery of Art is to serve the country by preserving, collecting, exhibiting, interpreting and encouraging the understanding by the American public of original, great works of art.

Are the paintings in the National Gallery real?

The National Gallery strictly displays original paintings and other artwork in its exhibits. Since it maintains a long tradition of original artwork, institutions like this need to maintain their impeccable reputations.