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What causes electrons to orbit the nucleus?

What causes electrons to orbit the nucleus?

Simply electrons always revolve around the nucleus due to the electrostatic force between electron and nucleus,which creates a centripetal and a tangential acceleration in an electron. Due to the tangential acceleration the electron revolve around the nucleus.

What provides energy to the electron?

Key Takeaways: Electron Transport Chain The electron transport chain is a series of protein complexes and electron carrier molecules within the inner membrane of mitochondria that generate ATP for energy. This movement of protons provides the energy for the production of ATP.

What are the electrons that orbit the nucleus called?

The closest orbital to the nucleus, called the 1s orbital, can hold up to two electrons. This orbital is equivalent to the innermost electron shell of the Bohr model of the atom. It is called the 1s orbital because it is spherical around the nucleus.

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How does the nucleus get energy?

The protons and neutrons inside of the nucleus are held together by the strong nuclear force, which balances the repulsion of the Coulomb force between the protons. Nuclear energy is released through three processes: nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and radioactive decay.

Can electrons in orbit around a nucleus have energy?

Ask this question. Electrons were once thought to orbit a nucleus much as planets orbit the sun. Classical physicists wondered that the electron didn’t run out of energy. Niels Bohr solved this mystery by introducing quanta, discrete energy states in which electrons may stably persist.

Do electrons orbit the nucleus like planets?

Electrons are found in different levels — or orbitals — surrounding the nucleus. The electrons can be found at any point in their orbital. “We no longer think of it that way because of experiments that came later on.” Now we know that electrons do not orbit around the nucleus like planets around the sun.

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What is the energy of an electron in Nth orbit?

The energy of the electron of hydrogen atom in its nth orbit is given by En=−n213. 6 electron volt(eV).

Why does adding electrons release energy?

When electrons are added to an atom, the increased negative charge puts stress on the electrons already there, causing energy to be released. When electrons are removed from an atom, that process requires energy to pull the electron away from the nucleus. Addition of an electron releases energy from the process.