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What causes the light in a cathode ray tube?

What causes the light in a cathode ray tube?

In the cathode ray tube, electrons are ejected from the cathode and accelerated through a voltage, gaining some 600 km/s for every volt they are accelerated through. Some of these fast-moving electrons crash into the gas inside the tube, causing it to glow, which allows us to see the path of the beam.

Which ray is deflected in a magnetic field?

Alpha rays (heavy, positively charged particles) are deflected slightly in one direction. Beta rays (light, negatively charged electrons) are deflected strongly in the opposite direction. Electromagnetic gamma rays are not deflected.

Which Ray get deflected in a magnetic field?

Why are rays not deflected by electric and magnetic fields?

Electric and magnetic fields can only apply a force to charged particles, and as photons have no net charge (constituent of x-rays), they will not be deflected by EM fields.

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How does a magnet deflect cathode rays?

The cathode ray should be deflected either upward or downward depending on which pole of the magnet is close to the beam. Turning the magnet around so that the other pole is closest to the magnetic field should cause deflection of the cathode rays in the opposite direction.

Why do cathode rays have a negative charge?

Cathode Ray Tubes. Cathode rays have a negative charge because J.J. Thompson’s experiment showed the cathode rays being pulled toward the positive capacitor plate and away from the negative charge plate and a magnetic field deflects the cathode rays in a direction consistent with the rays being negatively charged particles.

Do cathode rays travel in straight lines?

Reaching this understanding required many small but important experimental steps to determine, for instance, whether cathode rays travel in straight lines, carry energy or, as explored in this tutorial, are affected by magnetic fields. Scientists used special vacuum tubes, such as the Crookes tube and the cathode ray tube, to study this phenomenon.

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What is the difference between electron and cathode rays?

Electrons travel in straight lines from the cathode towards the anode (Maltese Cross CRT). Cathode Rays are particles and have mass because cathode rays cause a metal pinwheel inside a CRT to turn.