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What changed in the NIV Bible?

What changed in the NIV Bible?

The 2011 New International Version (NIV) replaces references of just men, to both men and women. In the 1984 NIV Mark 4:25 says, “Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” The 2011 version replaces the “he” and “him” with “they” and “them.”

How many times has the NIV been revised?

With this group behind the wheel for the past 40 years, the NIV has seen three revisions: the original in 1978, the second in 1984, and the most recent in 2011.

Is NIV 1984 a good translation?

The new NIV retains 95\% of the words of the 1984 edition, but where there are changes, it communicates the original meaning better to modern readers and more accurately than before. The 2011 NIV does not go as far as the TNIV.

Who did the NIV translation?

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The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1978 by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society)….

New International Version
Religious affiliation Evangelical
Webpage www.biblica.com/niv-bible/
show Genesis 1:1–3 show John 3:16

How many versions of the NIV Bible are there?

Zondervan has released 20 editions of the new NIV including the Thinline Bible, Adventure Bible, Bloom Collection and several gift Bible editions.

Who created the NIV Bible?

New International Version
NT published 1973
Complete Bible published 1978
Authorship Biblica (formerly International Bible Society)
Textual basis OT: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (5th ed., 1997); additional sources NT: UBS Greek New Testament (4th corrected ed.); Novum Testamentum Graece (27th ed., 1993)