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What colleges will accept a 1330 SAT score?

What colleges will accept a 1330 SAT score?

SAT Scores and Acceptance Rates at Selected Colleges

College SAT 25-75th Percentile \% of Applicants Accepted
Wesleyan 1340 – 1520 21
Barnard 1350 – 1518 14
Bowdoin 1330 – 1510 9
Brandeis 1320 – 1510 34

Can I get into NYU with 1330 SAT score?

New York University Typical SAT Scores Average SAT score for New York University is 1360. Half of the admitted students have SAT scores from 1330 to 1520. Top 25\% of admitted students has SAT score higher than 1520. You need to have at least 1330 as your SAT score to get into New York University.

Should I retake a 1330 SAT?

Yes, a score of 1330 is very good. It places you in the top 90th percentile nationally out of the 1.7 million test takers of the SAT entrance exam. The score indicates you’ve done a significantly above above average job answering the questions on the Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing sections of the test.

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Is SAT 1300 a good score?

Is a 1300 a good SAT score? The average composite SAT score is 1059, and the highest possible score is 1600, putting 1300 above average and competitive. A 1300 SAT score allows you to apply competitively to a large number of schools, making it an objectively good score for most students.

What percentile is a 1330 on the PSAT?

PSAT Total Scores to Percentiles

Total Score Percentile
1330 93
1320 93
1310 92
1300 91

How hard is it to get 1300 on SAT?

The percent of people who get 1300 is approx. 47.0 percent, sometimes less, sometimes more. When the top score used to be 1600 on the SAT, approx. Between 6.4 and 9.2 percent used to score 1300.

Is a 1300 Good?

Yes, a score of 1300 is very good. It places you in the top 88th percentile nationally out of the 1.7 million test takers of the SAT entrance exam. If a 1300 isn’t strong enough to get into your dream school, consider taking a test prep course to see if you can raise your score.