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What defines protective food?

What defines protective food?

Definition of protective foods : foods (as leafy or yellow vegetables, citrus fruits, meat, milk, eggs) that contain adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and high quality proteins and the protect against development of a deficiency disease (as pellagra, beriberi, scurvy)

What are protective foods Why are they so called Class 6?

Answer: Protective foods are foods that contain minerals and vitamins. The minerals and vitamins in the protective food protect the body against various diseases.

Which nutrients are called protective food and why?

Answer: Vitamins and minerals come under a balanced diet and are referred to as protective food because they help in protecting the body against several diseases. Foods containing the requisite amount of vitamins and minerals such as vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, etc.

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Which food components are called protective food?

Food comprises of essential nutrients namely, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates and fats are called as energy providing food. Proteins are called as body-building food. Vitamins and minerals are called as protective food.

Which of the following is called protective material?

Protective food (as leafy or yellow vegetables,citrus food, meat, milk, eggs) that contain adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, high quality protein. they protect us from deficiency disease.

Which vegetables are called as protective food because?

Vegetables are called protective food because they contain an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other essential nutrients. These nutrients help our body to protect us from diseases and keep us healthy. One adult should consume 300 grams of vegetables per day.

What are vegetables called protective food?

Vegetables are called protective food because they contain an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other essential nutrients. These nutrients help our body to protect us from diseases and keep us healthy.

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Why are vitamins called as protective food?

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are referred to as protective foods as they provide immunity and protect our body from various diseases and infections.

Which two components of food are called protective foods?

Answer: Vitamins and minerals are known as protective foods.

What are protective foods Why should we eat them?

Vitamins and minerals containing food are called protective food because they protect us from diseases.. FOODS RICH IN VITAMINS AND MINERALS ARE KNOWN AS PROTECTIVE FOOD BECAUSE THEY HELP IN PROTECTING OUR BODY AGAINST DISEASES.

What are vegetables and fruits called?

What is another word for fruit and vegetables?

produce harvest
wares fruit
greens vegetables
victuals commodities
fodders fruitage

Why are vegetables called protective food Mcq?