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What did Evil Morty do to the Citadel?

What did Evil Morty do to the Citadel?

Foreseeing a mass exodus, Evil Morty poisoned all the portal fluid to slaughter Ricks as they attempt to escape, and has engineered the Citadel as a gigantic superweapon, built to break open the “Central Finite Curve.”

Did Morty destroy the Central Finite Curve?

Rick and Morty’s season finale provided us with the show’s most destructive moment yet. Evil Morty (or President Morty, if we’re going by show canon) pulled back the curtain on Rick’s greatest scheme, The Central Finite Curve – then promptly destroyed it and headed to a brand-new universe.

Does Evil Morty run the Citadel?

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Before its near-total destruction, Evil Morty served as the first Morty to be democratically elected President of The Citadel, and had consolidated his power in a coup by eliminating any disagreeable Ricks in the Shadow Council.

Did Rick C-137 create the Citadel?

After C-137 had killed a great many of his counterparts, he and the alliance brokered a peace treaty, one that saw C-137 help design and construct the Citadel. It is presumed the Citadel was in a dimension specifically created by Ricks, similarly to how Evil Rick created his dimension.

Did Rick create the Citadel?

Although Rick cites the Citadel’s establishment as being the product of ‘other’ Ricks, while he has allegedly stayed clear of the place, Evil Morty reveals in “Rickmurai Jack” that C-137 was instrumental in the Citadel’s development.

Which episode does Rick destroy the Citadel?

Tales from
“The Ricklantis Mixup” (also known as “Tales from the Citadel”) is the seventh episode of the third season of Rick and Morty, and the twenty-eighth episode of the series overall….The Ricklantis Mixup.

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“The Ricklantis Mixup”
Rick and Morty episode
Episode no. Season 3 Episode 7
Directed by Dominic Polcino
Written by Dan Guterman, Ryan Ridley

Did Rick C-137 create the central finite curve?

Unbeknownst to the Mortys however, C-137 and the fledgling Council of Ricks took things a step further by creating what became known as “The Central Finite Curve”.

Is Rick C-137 the original Rick?

The Rick that the show usually follows is formally referred to as Rick C-137 by the Trans-Dimensional Council of Ricks, in reference to his original universe, C-137. Both Rick and Morty are voiced by their creator, Roiland….

Rick Sanchez
Age 70 (seasons 1–4) 71 (seasons 5–present)

Which episode does evil Morty appear?

Evil Morty first appears in Rick and Morty season 1 episode 10, “Close Rick-counters Of The Rick Kind”, though his true nature is only revealed at the end of the plot, as he hides behind an “evil” Rick that he is controlling.

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Will evil Morty return in season 5?

Rick and Morty’s writers and producers broke down the challenges of bringing Evil Morty back to the series for the Season 5 finale! Evil Morty finally returned to the series after last showing up during the events of the third season, and with it finally enacted his master plan.