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What did Polynesians believe in before Christianity?

What did Polynesians believe in before Christianity?

Polynesian belief systems emphasized animism, a perspective in which all things, animate and inanimate, were believed to be endowed to a greater or lesser degree with sacred supernatural power. As is typical of animist cultures, religious concerns permeated all aspects of life.

What do early Polynesians worship?

The major early gods reflected these characteristics, as the early Hawaiians worshiped Kāne (the god of the sky and creation), Kū (the god of war and male pursuits), Lono (the god of peace, rain, and fertility) and Kanaloa (the god of the ocean).

What were the Polynesians known for?

The Polynesians were superb mariners—their voyages extended as far as Chile, approximately 2,200 miles (3,500 km) east of Easter Island—but their mastery did not extend merely to the technology involved in shipbuilding and navigation.

Who were the four main gods of Polynesia and what does each god represent?

The four major Hawaiian gods

  • The Birth of Hawaiian Religion.
  • Kāne: The God of Creation and the Sky.
  • Kanaloa: The God of the Ocean.
  • Kū: The God of War.
  • Lono: The God of Peace, Rain, and Fertility.
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What is Angie’s religion?

Angie is the Ultimate Artist who appears in DanganRonpa V3. She wears a bikini top and miniskirt under a longer yellow jacket that she stores her brushes, blades, etc. in. She is also a very devout follower of Atua, a god worshipped by inhabitants of her island nation.

What gender is ATUA?

There are few female atua in the Pacific pantheon—Hina, often associated with the moon, Pele of Hawai’ian volcanoes, and the atua Fafine (female goddess) of Tikopia—but the majority are male. Gender roles and relations on earth are often reflected in the heavens.

What did Polynesia say about the other animal doctor?

Question 8: What did Polynesia say about the other animal-doctors? Answer: Polynesia said that none of the other animal-doctors are good at all.