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What do I need to study supply chain management?

What do I need to study supply chain management?

A National Senior Certificate with a bachelor’s degree or a diploma endorsement, or an equivalent qualification with an achievement level of at least 4 for English (home language or first additional language) and 3 for Mathematics or 4 for Mathematical Literacy.

Does Richfield offer supply chain management?

The programme is intended to provide students with access to the labour market. It will provide students with the necessary skills to contribute to economic growth. a vocational career in Economic, Public Management, Human Resource Management or Supply Chain Management.

How much is the registration fee at Richfield?

A non- refundable application fee of R500. 00 is payable upon application.

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Is Richfield a college or university?

Richfield College is a private college. The institution has been accredited by Umalusi, Council on Higher Education (CHE), and some of the SETAs.

What makes a good supply chain management strategy?

The best companies, critically, continue evolving and reinventing their supply chains, regardless of their position in the market. In this way, these companies manage risks better, respond to any change in the technological, economic, and competitive environment, and exploit fresh opportunities far more efficient way than their peers.

Should I study supply chain management abroad?

By studying abroad you’ll get a better understanding of how other countries work which will stand you in good stead when you start your career. It’s possible to study supply chain management at a range of degree levels including foundation, certificate, bachelor’s, and master’s levels.

What is a link in supply chain management?

A company creates a network of suppliers (“links” in the chain) that move the product along from the suppliers of raw materials to those organizations that deal directly with users. How does supply chain management work?

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What is supply chain management system (SCMS)?

It represents a conscious effort by the supply chain firms to develop and run supply chains in the most effective & efficient ways possible. Supply chain activities cover everything from product development, sourcing, production, and logistics, as well as the information systems needed to coordinate these activities.