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What do people with ham radios do?

What do people with ham radios do?

Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication.

Can you listen to satellites?

All you need is a VHF/UHF FM receiver (like a police scanner) or a VHF/UHF transceiver (like a Yaesu VX-7) and an antenna. Start by visiting Heavens-Above.com to check the orbit of the satellite you want to listen to and specify your location. Check the passes of your specific satellite or the ISS.

How many ham radio satellites are there?

Currently, over 18 fully operational amateur radio satellites are in orbit. They may be designed to act as repeaters, as linear transponders, and as store and forward digital relays. Amateur radio satellites have helped advance the science of satellite communications.

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What is the range of a ham radio?

However, for the ham radio, a range of 144 to 148MHz is reserved. It is used in building a simple communication system. This system will allow you to communicate over two ham radio stations via a single line of sight. VHF band is mainly known for the reliability it offers.

Can I use my ham radio with another ham radio station?

Whenever another ham is using your radio, you should be right there with the equipment (at the control point). There’s no problem with you using another hams station to transmit on or vice-versa, but remember that both the owner and the visiting operator are responsible for proper operation of the station.

There are over two dozen ham radio satellites in orbit right now, and they allow short QSOs over a few thousand miles to take place! Several satellites use FM, while others use SSB or CW, and a few more use digital modes. Satellite operating is inviting for several reasons: You can get started with very simple gear.

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What are the benefits of ham radio?

Perhaps the biggest aspect of using ham radio is the opportunity it provides to make new friends from different corners of the world. You can not only talk to them in the air, but you also take your friendship further by meeting each other on different occasions.