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What do you do for fun on deployment?

What do you do for fun on deployment?

Deployment: Recreational Activities

  1. Gymnasiums and field houses: Gyms and field houses offer year-round physical fitness programs for women and men.
  2. Intramural Sports: Most bases offer a variety of intramural sports for all ages.
  3. Swimming Pools: Some swimming pools are free while others charge a small fee.

How do you stay entertained on deployment?

10 Ways to Keep Busy During Deployment

  1. Create a fitness goal (even if it isn’t to lose weight).
  2. Learn a new hobby or get back to a hobby you liked doing.
  3. Start or finish a college degree or take classes at a local college for something you find interesting.

How do soldiers deal with boredom?

Most of the time, non-combat soldiers fight boredom. That means soldiers filled up their time on the computer or playing video games with friends.

How do I keep my soldiers busy?

Here are some ideas for filling your days while your soldier is at annual training:

  1. Take a trip. This is an ideal time of year to check something off your travel bucket list.
  2. Pick up a new hobby.
  3. Plan a playdate.
  4. Connect with other families.
  5. Check some books off your reading list.
  6. Netflix and binge.
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How do military wives cope?

Here are some suggestions for coping:

  1. Find things to look forward to.
  2. Reach out to others who are in the same situation.
  3. Don’t try to hide your feelings.
  4. Concentrate on what you can control.
  5. Learn some stress management techniques that work for you.
  6. Take care of yourself.

Why was boredom a problem in the trenches?

The trench experience involved the terror of mud, slime and disease and the constant threat of shellfire. When troops were not fighting, they were locked into trench deadlock, at which point boredom also became a serious issue.