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What do you infer from a stress strain diagram?

What do you infer from a stress strain diagram?

Stress strain curves visually display the material’s deformation in response to a tensile, compressive, or torsional load. Depending on the material being tested, a stress strain curve can indicate key properties of the material including its elastic region, plastic region, yield point, and ultimate tensile strength.

How do you explain stress and strain?

Stress is the force applied to a material, divided by the material’s cross-sectional area. Strain is the deformation or displacement of material that results from an applied stress.

What is the point of a stress strain curve?

Yield point
Option (B) Yield point: The yield point is the point on a stress-strain curve that denotes the limit of the elastic form and the beginning of deformation. Below this point, a material will deform elastically and will return to its original shape when the stress is removed.

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What is stress explain stress strain diagram of mild steel?

When a ductile material like mild steel is subjected to tensile force, it undergoes different stages before failure. Stress strain curve is the graphical representation of this stages. Different material may have different curve. Usually ductile materials follow similar pattern., so is for brittle materials.

How do you read stress and strain diagrams?

The stress-strain relationship is displayed on an x-y graph, where the y axis (vertical axis) represents stress, and the x axis (horizontal axis) represents strain (as seen in Figure 2). Therefore the stress-strain slope (change in y over change in x) is Stress divided by Strain.

What is meant by stress and strain and their formula?

Stress is the internal force(per unit area) associated with the strain. It is ratio of force applied on the system to the per unit area of the body. To find the stress of an object which is displaced (after applying force on it). The formula is, Stress(σ)= Force(F) / (A)Cross-sectional Area.

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Why do you think it is vital to understand the stress-strain curve in steel design?

The stress-strain curve provides design engineers with a long list of important parameters needed for application design. A stress-strain graph gives us many mechanical properties such as strength, toughness, elasticity, yield point, strain energy, resilience, and elongation during load. It also helps in fabrication.

What is draw stress?

The draw stress is defined as the force required for drawing, F (i.e., the draw force), divided by the cross-sectional area on exit:(4.43)σd=FA2. From: Materials Processing, 2016.