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What do you understand by route relay interlocking?

What do you understand by route relay interlocking?

Route Relay Interlocking (RRI) is the system used in large and busy stations that have to handle high volumes of train movements. Signals for conflicting movements cannot be pulled off simultaneously. Points for conflicting routes cannot be set simultaneously.

What is SSI in railway?

The railways has installed Asia’s largest solid state interlocking (SSI) system in Kharagpur, which will enable station masters to set 800 different routes for trains in a matter of minutes.

What is Route Relay?

1.1. Route Setting type Relay Interlocking (Route Relay Interlocking) system is adopted for major and junction stations and Non-Route setting (Panel Interlocking) for smaller and way side stations. They include signaling plan, Route section plan, table of control, wiring diagrams and contact analysis.

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What is interlocking explain various functions of interlocking?

In railway signalling, an interlocking is an arrangement of signal apparatus that prevents conflicting movements through an arrangement of tracks such as junctions or crossings. An interlocking is designed so that it is impossible to display a signal to proceed unless the route to be used is proven safe.

What is CBI system?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Computer-based interlocking is railway signal interlocking implemented with computers, rather than using older technologies such as relays or mechanics.

What is interlock PLC?

1 thought on “Concept of Interlocking in PLC” An interlock is a feature that makes the state of two mechanisms or functions mutually dependent. It may be used to prevent undesired states in a finite-state machine, and may consist of any electrical, electronic, or mechanical devices or systems.

What are the methods of interlocking?

Interlocking types

  • Mechanical interlocking.
  • Electro-mechanical interlocking.
  • Relay interlocking.
  • Electronic interlocking.

What is ASR relay?

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ASR relay is employed. (ASR front contacts are used in point WLR circuit to drop WLR – Point Lock Relay, whenever ASR is dropped, thereby locking all the points in the route.) To drop ASR soon after UCR picking up, UCR back contact is used in ASR circuit.

What is train crank handle?

➢ Crank Handle is provided to enable operation of the point in Normal or Reverse, manually, in case the point is failed for operation from the panel electrically. ➢ Generally, each cross over is provided with one Crank Handle.