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What does 3 digit code on fruit mean?

What does 3 digit code on fruit mean?

All four-digit numbers begin with a 3 or a 4 — which means the product was grown conventionally — and five-digit combinations start with a 9 (then the product’s four-digit code), meaning it was organically grown.

What does 4040 mean on fruit?

The code 4040, for example, just signifies “Large Black Plum.”

What does the number 4 mean on produce?

A four-digit code beginning with a 3 or a 4 means the produce is probably conventionally grown. For example, regular small lemons sold in the U.S. are labeled 4033, large are 4053; small organic lemons are coded 94033, large are 94053.

What does 94011 mean on bananas?

organic yellow banana
The number 9 prefix added to a PLU signifies that an item is organic. For example, #94011 is the code for an organic yellow banana. A number 8 prefix added to a PLU signifies that an item is genetically engineered (GE). For example, #84011 is the code for a genetically engineered yellow banana.

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What does 4016 mean on apple?

red delicious apple
4016 is a large, red delicious apple. 4167 is a small, red delicious apple grown in a specific region of the US. 94015 could be used for an organically-grown, small, red delicious apple.

Is sticker on fruit edible?

#1 – Fruit stickers are edible. The stickers are edible and controlled by the FDA. The stickers would only be harmful if the label printer that produced the stickers did not follow the FDA guidelines and regulations and printed on a material that is not FDA approved.

What does 3035 mean on fruit?

White Nectarine
Tree Fruit

PLU # Description Size
3035 White Nectarine – Large 64 & Larger
4035 Yellow Nectarine – Small 72 & Smaller
4036 Yellow Nectarine – Large 64 & Larger
4037 Yellow Peach – Small 72 & Smaller

How do you read produce labels?

How to read produce labels

  1. FOUR DIGIT NUMBERS (they all begin with 3 or 4) denote conventionally grown, non-GMO produce (that is, grown with chemical pesticides and fertilizers and not genetically modified)
  2. FIVE DIGITS BEGINNING WITH AN 8 means the produce is GMO, genetically modified.