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What does 6 mean in the Army?

What does 6 mean in the Army?

In the military, “Got your six” means “I’ve got your back.” The saying originated with World War I fighter pilots referencing a pilot’s rear as the six o’clock position.

What is a six man military?

In the United States Army the TO&E rank of a rifle squad leader is staff sergeant (E-6, or OR-6) and in the United States Marine Corps the TO rank is sergeant (E-5, or OR-5), though a corporal may also act as a squad leader in the absence of sufficient numbers of sergeants.

Why does the military say watch your six?

Military: Your intuitions are correct; the phrase ‘watch your six’ does indeed mean ‘watch your back’. It refers to the 6 position on the face of a clock. If you were standing in the center of a clock face, facing the 12 position, the 6 position would be immediately behind you.

What does 1/6 mean in the Army?

The 1st Battalion, 6th Marines (1/6) is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

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What does 6 mean in law enforcement?

I’ve got your back
The phrase – which originated with World War I pilots who referenced the rear of an airplane as the six o’clock position – is a military and law enforcement term meaning “I’ve got your back.” Read more at FOX News Insider.

What does your 6th mean?

Your intuitions are correct; the phrase ‘watch your six’ does indeed mean ‘watch your back’. It refers to the 6 position on the face of a clock. If you were standing in the center of a clock face, facing the 12 position, the 6 position would be immediately behind you.

What does my six mean?

Six o’clock is straight behind you and sets up the best strike zone. WWI pilots were the first to say, “I got your six,” meaning they’ve got you covered so the enemy can’t come up behind your back and kill you. “I got your six” means “I got your back.” It declares a story of loyalty . . . I’m loyal to you.

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What does what’s your 6 mean?

“Your Six” is a phrase commonly used in the Military and Law Enforcement. It later evolved to being used anywhere in combat; For example: “watch my six” or “I’ve got your six” to reference “watch my back” or “I’ve got your back” respectively.