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What does a low boredom threshold mean?

What does a low boredom threshold mean?

Your boredom threshold is low so you find yourself looking for something to keep you amused. She had a low boredom threshold and a wild imagination.

What does having a low threshold mean?

The point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result or to elicit a response: a low threshold of pain.

What does it mean to have threshold?

threshold noun (LEVEL) the level or point at which you start to experience something, or at which something starts to happen: I have a low/high boredom threshold (= I do/don’t feel bored easily).

What is a threshold person?

beyond someone’s tolerance or at which something occurs. A person with a low threshold for boredom. noun. 5. 2.

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What is a high boredom threshold?

DEFINITIONS1. a tendency to get bored​/​not get bored very quickly. Synonyms and related words. Boredom and lack of enthusiasm.

What does it mean when someone needs constant stimulation?

New brain research: Hunger for stimulation driven by dopamine in the brain. Summary: Our need for stimulation and dopamine’s action upon the brain are connected, which explains why people who constantly crave stimulation are in danger of addictive behavior such as drug abuse and gambling.

What does no threshold mean?

Having no threshold typically means that in your state you have the option with your car insurance policy to choose to not have to meet a predetermined level of injury in order to claim or sue. This type of choice is usually made if you live in a no-fault state, not in a tort state.

What does increase threshold mean?

the level or point at which you start to experience something, or at which something starts to happen or change: increase/lower/raise the threshold They will reduce inheritance tax by raising the £255,000 threshold. exceed/reach a threshold Insurers can make claims when their own losses exceed certain thresholds.

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What do you think the word threshold means as it is used in the text?

the level at which something starts to happen or have an effect. He has a low boredom threshold (= he gets bored easily). I have a high pain threshold (= I can suffer a lot of pain before I start to react).

Why is it called a threshold?

According to the linguist Anatoly Liberman, the most likely etymology is that the term referred to a threshing area that was originally not part of the doorway but was later associated with it: Most probably, the threshold was a place where corn was threshed (a threshing floor). The word contained a root and a suffix.

What do you do with a threshold?

A threshold is what you step across when you enter a room. A threshold takes you from one place into another, and when you’re about to start something new, you’re also on a threshold. A threshold is a point of departure or transition.