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What does a person mean when they say it is what it is?

What does a person mean when they say it is what it is?

It is what it is is an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted.

What does it mean when someone says you’re the one?

When someone sees you as “The One,” they are proud and even enthusiastic about showing you off and introducing you to their friends, family, and business associates. “When they walk into a room with you on their arm, they feel like they won,” says House.

Is I say what I mean the same as I mean what I say?

Senior Member. Colloquially, “I say what I mean” is used to mean “I speak my mind; I don’t use roundabout euphemisms, but instead, speak directly and frankly.” It sometimes means the person will be blunt and even rude.

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For what it’s worth meaning?

Definition of for what it’s worth —used to say that one is not sure how helpful something one is about to say will be For what it’s worth, I don’t think your dad meant to insult you.

What if a guy says you’re mine?

It means that even if you’re not in a relationship with him, he is in one with you. You need to write back and mention it, but don’t make a big deal. Just say, “Hey, remember the other day when we were talking on here and you said, ‘You are mine’?

Why is it important to mean what you say?

When you actually mean what it is you say, it shows and allows you to gain more confidence in yourself, as you’re acting on a principle you’ve instated just by communicating openly. With that being said, we can see how the two go hand-in-hand — saying what you mean and meaning what you say, that is.

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Who originally said Say what you mean and mean what you say?

Mardy Grothe’s chiastic definition of chiasmus is clever, but someone beat him to the saying—or meaning—by saying what he meant and meaning what he said over a hundred years earlier, in 1865—Lewis Carroll. …