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What does a question mark represent in C?

What does a question mark represent in C?

The question mark operator,?:, is also found in C++. Some people call it the ternary operator because it is the only operator in C++ (and Java) that takes three operands. If you are not familiar with it, it’s works like an if-else, but combines operators.

What does a question mark mean in code?

The question mark? is an alternative to an if statement best used in the case where one of two values will be assigned to a variable based on a conditional statement. The question mark is used in JavaScript as an alternative to an if statement, especially in the case where a value is assigned based on a conditional.

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What does the question mark mean in C++?

conditional operator
The question mark is the conditional operator. The code means that if f==r then 1 is returned, otherwise, return 0.

What does question mark and colon mean in C?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2595392/what-does-the-question-mark-and-the-colon-ternary-operator-mean-in-objectiv/48454781#48454781. answered Jan 26 ’18 at 1:57. BananZ.

What does question mark mean in Perl?

Perl defines a consistent extension syntax for regular expressions. The syntax is a pair of parentheses with a question mark as the first thing within the parentheses (this was a syntax error in older versions of Perl). The character after the question mark gives the function of the extension.

What does question mark after variable mean?

The question mark in JavaScript is commonly used as conditional operator — called ternary operator when used with a colon (:) and a question mark (?) — to assign a variable name conditionally.

Why is semicolon used in C++?

Role of Semicolon in C++: The Semicolon lets the compiler know that it’s reached the end of a command. Semicolon is often used to delimit one bit of C++ source code, indicating it’s intentionally separated from the respective code.

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What is single colon in C++?

The single colon specifies an initialization list, as the other couple of responses have already stated. The items in the list are specifications of which member variable or base class constructors will be used – particularly important for writing copy constructors.

What does a question mark in box mean?

The Meaning Behind The Question Mark In A Box Emoji. When iOS updates include new emojis, the image (of a question mark in a box) is a stand-in image for a new emoji you don’t have access to. It means your friend is using an emoji that’s only available in a newer software version.

What does a question mark in a black triangle mean?

9/1/20. The black triangle denotes that your Site is using http and not https. Since your Site is a classic Site there is nothing you can do about this.