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What does Asia Pacific include?

What does Asia Pacific include?

Asia-Pacific (APAC) is the part of the world near the western Pacific Ocean. The Asia-Pacific region varies in area depending on context, but it generally includes East Asia, Oceania, the Russian Far East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Is Philippines in Asia Pacific?

Is the Philippines part of Southeast Asia, Oceania or the Pacific Islands? Officially, of course, Filipinos are categorized as Asians and the Philippines as part of Southeast Asia.

What is difference between Asia and Asia Pacific?

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) is the part of the world near the Western Pacific Ocean. Asia-Pacific varies in area depending on context, but it generally includes East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Russia, and Oceania.

Is Nepal part of Asia-Pacific?

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The Asia-Pacific (APAC) is the part of the world near the Western Pacific Ocean….Main countries and territories data.

Country / Territory Nepal
Population 26,494,504
Pop. density (/km2) 180
GDP millions of USD (2018) 62,384
Capital Kathmandu

Is Asia-Pacific Institute of Management New Delhi a good school?

Enjoying a track-record of 100\% Placement of all its students since its inception, Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi is not only one of the best PGDM/MBA college in terms of placement, but is also a top ranked B-school in India in every parameter.

What is Apeejay School of Management?

Established in 1993, Apeejay School of Management is a private institute located in Dwarka, New Delhi. According to Times B School Survey, the institute has been ranked as 17th in private institutes in India and 9th in North Zone of India.

Which is the best PGDM Management College in Delhi NCR?

AIM is among the best PGDM colleges in Delhi NCR. Give wings to your career with AICTE approved PGDM courses from the best PGDM management college in Delhi, India. Admission Query

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Does aim Delhi have international collaboration with other universities?

Ans. Yes. Asia Pacific Institute of Management (AIM) Delhi has international collaboration with Wolkite University (Ethiopia), University of Liberia (West Africa), Szent Istvan University, Hungary, Oklahoma State University, USA, and Indiana State University Indiana, USA. Ques.