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What does auto choke mean on a lawn mower?

What does auto choke mean on a lawn mower?

The intelligent Auto Choke System automatically sets the choke to give optimum starting and running in all cutting conditions. The customer no longer needs to think about operating the choke when (re)starting the engine. 2. There is no need to wait for the engine to warm up to start mowing.

How does an automatic choke work on a Honda lawn mower?

When the engine starts up, the engine heat works to warm the wax cylinder to cause an expansion of the wax that pushes the piston out. This would force the choke control to move in the opposite direction for the choke plate to open; thus, more air would enter into the engine.

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What does an auto choke do?

An automatic choke is a device that is mounted on the carburetor of a gasoline engine. When the ignition key is turned to the start position, this device is activated and the engine receives a much richer fuel mixture allowing the engine to start more easily.

Should choke be open or closed when starting?

The choke is only used when starting a cold engine. When doing a cold start, the choke should be closed to limit the amount of air going in. Once the car has warmed up, if the choke does not open fully, the restriction in air may result in reduced power.

Is it bad to run mower with choke on?

it is not advisable to run lawn mover engine in the choke position. For start up it is OK. But after it for normal running, choke position is not advisable. In that position the engine will consume more fuel.

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How do you know if choke is open or closed?

Turn on the ignition of your car. Once the engine is warm, you can remove the air filter and check whether the choke is open or closed. At this point, the choke should be open to allow the engine to breathe fully.

What position should the choke be in?

The choke should be open at start-up and then closed halfway for idle until the engine is warmed up then closed completely. DONOT run the vehicle with choke closed ,,,as the fuel is more and less air for the engine of the vehicle …

When should I use choke on my lawn mower?

A lawn mower choke reduces the airflow of the engine, allowing for more fuel to be used. This process allows the engine to spark and ignite easier, starting up in an instant. Choke valves should only be used when absolutely necessary, as they can damage the engine if they’re overused.