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What does AV TV p and m mean on the dial of the camera?

What does AV TV p and m mean on the dial of the camera?

Av (aperture-priority autoexposure): The opposite of shutter-priority autoexposure, this mode asks you to select the aperture setting — thus Av, for aperture value. The camera then selects the appropriate shutter speed to properly expose the picture — again, based on the selected ISO setting.

What does the TV mode do on a Canon camera?

In TV mode the user specifies a shutter speed, while the camera adjusts the aperture size to correctly expose the image. This mode is typically used to freeze high speed action with a fast shutter speed, or intentionally create some sense of movement and blur in an image, ie, by using a slow shutter speed.

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When should I use TV mode?

TV mode is good for situations where you don’t care much about depth of field, but need to make sure you’re hitting a specific shutter speed.

What does P mean on Canon camera?

・Mode P (Programmed Auto) The camera automatically adjusts aperture and shutter speed for optimal exposure, but the photographer can choose from different combinations of aperture and shutter speed that will produce the same exposure. This is known as flexible program.

What mode should my camera be on?

The bottom line: If you want total control of your camera, use aperture priority or manual mode; if you want the simplest settings, go with the most appropriate automatic mode; and if you’re somewhere in the middle, go with program mode.

How do I use the M setting on my camera?

To use Manual exposure mode, turn your camera mode dial to [M]. The photographer sets both the aperture and the shutter speed. Set the value for either one of them first. Then, use the exposure level indicator in your viewfinder to help you set the value for the other.

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What is the AV setting on Canon camera?

In this mode, you set the desired aperture value and the camera sets the shutter speed automatically to suit the subject brightness. The larger or brighter the aperture value (lower f/number) the more blurred the background will become. This effect is ideal for portraits. Av is an abbreviation for Aperture value.