Popular lifehacks

What does captain has the conn mean?

What does captain has the conn mean?

When Captain Kirk says “Sulu – you have the Conn”, most people think that this means “You have the CONtrol or CONsole of the Bridge. In actual fact, “Conn,” is a naval term meaning the power to metaphorically steer the course of an endeavor or enterprise.

What does an OOD do?

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency that empowers Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determinations, and independence.

What does conn stand for in states?

State Abbreviations

Postal Abbreviations for States/Territories
1831 6/1963
Connecticut Ct. CONN
Delaware De. DEL
District of Columbia D. C. DC

What do the OOD hold in their hands?

A hive-minded, peaceful race of alien telepaths, who due to their docile nature are often farmed and enslaved by humans. Natural, or “unprocessed” Ood hold their hindbrains in their hands, whereas those that have been processed have this replaced by a translator ball.

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Who picks up the pilot who is on his way to the ship?

Every ship that enters and leaves a port must have a harbor pilot aboard. Once the ship reaches open water, a small boat picks up the harbor pilot and returns the pilot to port. The captain then resumes full command of the ship.

What is the 6th general order?

6. To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, field officer of the day, officer of the day and officers and petty officers of the watch.

What is the Marines 5th general order?

5. “To quit my post only when properly relieved.” A sentry may leave his post to apprehend an individual who is violating an order, but will at all other times remain on his post. If time comes for his relief, he will not leave his post but will call the Corporal of the Guard.