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What does Christianity say about stem cells?

What does Christianity say about stem cells?

As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops declared: “Clearly, the Church favors ethically acceptable stem cell research. It opposes destroying some human lives now, on the pretext that this may possibly help other lives in the future. We must respect life at all times, especially when our goal is to save lives.”

Is stem cell research considered unethical?

There are no ethical or moral concerns with the appropriate use of adult stem cells. However, human embryonic stem cell (HESC) research is unethical since it results in the destruction of human life for research purposes.

Can stem cell research be misused?

But with great hope comes an equally great potential of misuse for exploitative stem cell treatments that are used on patients before they have been evaluated and proven to be safe and effective. …

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Why do Catholics not like stem cells?

The Catholic Church has opposed human embryonic stem cell research and any kind of human cloning because they are contrary to the dignity of procreation, of conjugal union and of human embryos.

Why stem cells should not be used?

Some opponents of stem cell research argue that it offends human dignity or harms or destroys human life. Laboratory research on adult stem cells is generally uncontroversial. Research with human subjects becomes controversial because some experimental “therapies” could harm patients.

Why is stem cell research so controversial?

However, human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is ethically and politically controversial because it involves the destruction of human embryos. In the United States, the question of when human life begins has been highly controversial and closely linked to debates over abortion.

How do I become a stem cell researcher?

The eligibility to make a career in stem cell research domain is not restricted to only medical professionals. Candidates holding a postgraduate degree in regenerative medicine or a basic degree in Biology, B.Sc graduates with at least one subject from the biological sciences, MBBS, B. Pharma, B.D.S., B.V.