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What does it mean by if you know you know?

What does it mean by if you know you know?

If you know you know, abbreviated as iykyk is a slang expression, most prevalent on social media posts, among teens, girls and on teenage girls’ social media posts. The phrase itself refers to the fact that some information is exclusively known and understood by some and it cannot be explained to others.

What is the mean of you know?

informal. 1 —used when one is trying to help someone remember something They live on the other side of town. You know—near the golf course. He was in our history class—you know—the tall blond guy in the front row.

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What does U Already Know mean?

Already know: I know something clearly at this point of saying (present) Have already known: I’ve known something so far. (

Whats short for if you know you know?

(IYKYK = If you know, you know.)

Why do people say y know?

He said tag words such as “you know,” “I mean,” and “right” are used to seek confirmation in the listener, or convince them. “Truthful people convey information and seek confirmation from listeners,” he wrote. “Liars try to convince others that what is being said is true.

Did you know meaning?

The phrase “did you know” is used when you are asking someone if they know a fact, and you already know that fact. An appropriate answer would be “no” if the person you are asking did not already know that before you asked your question, or “yes” if they already knew that fact.

What is a yak slang?

1 slang : laugh did it just for yuks. 2 slang : joke, gag. yak. verb. \ ˈyak \

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What can I say instead of as you know?

There are many possible synonyms, according to the context in which the phrase is being used:

  • As you are aware.
  • As you have been made aware.
  • As has been made aware to you.
  • As no doubt you are aware…
  • As you will be aware…
  • As you have gleaned…
  • As you have undoubtedly heard.
  • As you realize.