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What does it mean if a soldier defects?

What does it mean if a soldier defects?

More broadly, it involves abandoning a person, cause, or doctrine to which one is bound by some tie, as of allegiance or duty.

Can you define what a defect is?

1 : something that makes a thing imperfect : flaw A slight defect lowered the diamond’s value. 2 : a lack of something needed for perfection Doctors can correct the hearing defect.

What does it mean to defect to the USA?

intransitive verb. 1 : to forsake one cause, party, or nation for another often because of a change in ideology a former KGB agent who defected to America. 2 : to leave one situation (such as a job) often to go over to a rival the reporter defected to another network.

What does it mean to defect from Cuba?

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Defecting in baseball means leaving the country to play baseball in another country illegally. Once you leave the country, you will never be able to return home and you and your family may be in danger. Many players from Cuba who defected had to do it secretly, and pay people to help them in their voyage.

What are examples of defects?

The definition of a defect is an imperfection or lacking that causes the person or thing with the defect to fall short of perfection. An example of a defect is a genetic condition that causes weakness or death. An example of a defect is faulty wiring that results in a product not working.

What is the sentence of defect?

1. A defect was found in the water-cooling/electrical circuit. 2. He was born with a hearing defect.

Which of the following are not point defects?

Detailed Solution

Point Defect(0D) Line Defect(1D) Volume Defect(3D)
Vacancies Self Interstitialcy Impurities Interstitial Substitutional Frenkel Defect Schottky Defect Edge Dislocation Screw Dislocation Casting defects Welding Defects Forming Defects
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What is an impurity defect?

Impurity defects are foreign atoms that replace some of the atoms making up the solid or that squeeze into the interstices; they are important in the electrical behaviour of semiconductors, which are materials used in computer chips and other electronic devices.

What does it mean when a player defects?

A deal that allowed some Cuban players to sign with MLB clubs was cancelled by President Donald Trump in 2018, in an attempt to pressure the island’s Communist government to implement political changes. The agreement meant athletes no longer had to abscond and leave Cuba illegally.