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What does it mean if your hamster is skinny?

What does it mean if your hamster is skinny?

A suddenly thin hamster isn’t a good sign, especially if she’s been at a good weight during the time she’s been in your care. Diabetes may also occur, especially in Russian or Chinese hamsters. Any sudden changes in your hamster’s behavior or appearance warrant a trip to her small-animal veterinarian.

How do you know if your hamster is too skinny?

another way to check if you think your hamster is too “skinny” ~~ when you hold fuzzy, gently feel his back, shoulders and ribs… you should be able to feel a nice cushion of flesh covering these areas, these shouldn’t feel bony at all. if these areas do feel bony, that’s a sign of weight loss.

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Why is my hamster eating his own poop?

The cellulose heads into the caecum, where the bacteria break it down. The result passes into the large intestine, which is not built for absorbing many nutrients, so out comes soft poop. Hammy apparently finds this outcome tasty. It eats that poop and this time, more nutrients can be absorbed by the small intestine.

Is it OK for hamsters to eat their own poop?

He needs to digest twice in order to get all the nutrients. I understand that seeing your cute friend eat his poop might look and sound icky, but this is normal for him. So let your hamster eat his night droppings, since it is a normal and healthy thing for him to do.

Is it normal for hamsters to poop in their food bowl?

as for the ‘unsanitary’ side of things, it’s not really a problem for them. they sleep in their poo, sit on their poo, walk all over it and clean it off themselves so having it in their food bowl isn’t something you should worry about.

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Why is my hamster pooping so much?

So why do hamsters poop so much? Hamsters poop so much because they eat constantly throughout the day and have a fast digestive system. Hamsters that are on a high fiber diet and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables will also poop a lot as well.

How many times a day does a hamster poop?

Fruits and vegetables have the same effect on a hamster’s digestive system that they have on a human’s. But because hamsters have a fast-working digestive system due to their small size, they poop a lot more frequently. It’s usually several times per day or even once every hour.

Why do hamsters spit poop?

hopefully you mean u figured out that they took the poop in and then spit it out because hamsters for SURE do not poop out of their mouths xP. This is okay because hamsters eat their own poop that are filled with nutrients.

How can I get my hamster to eat?

Supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh food.

  1. Good vegetables to feed your hamster include: turnips, carrots, chicory, spinach, parsley, pumpkin, endive, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, and asparagus.
  2. Good fruits to feed your hamster include: raisins, seedless apples, berries, pears, plums, and peaches.