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What does it mean to be a stray?

What does it mean to be a stray?

1a : a domestic animal that is wandering at large or is lost. b : a person or thing that strays. 2 [Middle English, from straien to stray] archaic : the act of going astray. stray.

What does stray usually mean?

to deviate from the direct course, leave the proper place, or go beyond the proper limits, especially without a fixed course or purpose; ramble: to stray from the main road.

What does do not stray mean?

a. To move away from a group, deviate from a course, or escape from established limits: strayed away from the tour group to look at some sculptures. b. To move without a destination or purpose; wander: cows that strayed across the road toward the river. See Synonyms at wander.

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What is stray site?

Stray sites are those acquired by the BDA when the allottees fail to pay money towards them in the stipulated time or those surrendered by the allottees.

What is the synonym of the word stray ‘?

wander off, go astray, drift, get separated. get lost, lose one’s way. 2’we appeared to have strayed a long way from our original topic’ digress, deviate, wander, drift, get sidetracked, go off at a tangent.

What are stray thoughts?

Stray thoughts are usually about unresolved issues, either in the present or from the past. In a nutshell, we have encountered situations in our past that caused us a certain degree of hurt and we never resolved those situations and thinking back about them still causes emotional strife.

What is a antonym for stray?

stray. Antonyms: adhere, abide, stick. Synonyms: wander, deviate, digress, ramble, go astray, err, depart, rove.

What is opposite of stray?

What’s a word for stray away from?

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What is another word for stray?

homeless lost
abandoned strayed
vagrant wandering
unclaimed gone astray
roaming wayward

How do I stop stray thoughts?

So keep thoughts away you don’t want, you can try these:

  1. Read Quora whenever negative thoughts hit your mind.
  2. Take a break and go for a little walk.
  3. Let the negative thoughts come, concentrate on them for a while and then tell your mind “ buddy look you are wasting your time, lets get back to work”.

How do you get rid of stray thoughts?

7 ways to tame your wandering mind and achieve better focus

  1. Give your mind more to do.
  2. Bribe yourself.
  3. Test yourself.
  4. Daydream during breaks.
  5. De-stress.
  6. Get some zeds.
  7. Doodle.

What is a stray dog called?

A free-ranging dog is a dog that is not confined to a yard or house. Free-ranging dogs include street dogs, village dogs, stray dogs, feral dogs, etc., and may be owned or unowned.