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What does it mean when you have skeletons in your closet?

What does it mean when you have skeletons in your closet?

Definition of skeletons in the/someone’s closet : something bad or embarrassing that happened in someone’s past and that is kept secret He asked if she had any skeletons in her closet that might affect her political campaign.

How do I get rid of skeletons in my closet?

Dealing With Skeletons in the Closet

  1. Accept that it happened. Accepting reality, especially when it is ugly, is hard for everyone.
  2. Make peace with what happened.
  3. Embrace what happened.
  4. Express your emotions.
  5. Forgive yourself or the person who caused the situation.
  6. Promise yourself to move on.

What are examples of skeletons in the closet?

People in this area are mainly corrupt, self-centered, and many with a skeleton in the closet. She refuses to speak up as she is afraid of the skeleton in the closet. Emma has a skeleton in the closet. After a fight with her husband, she once hooked up with his friend, William.

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Where does the saying skeletons in your closet come from?

In order for doctors to study anatomy and teach their students, they had to steal dead bodies for their studies. The theory goes that the doctors would hide illegally obtained corpses and skeletons in cupboards or closets.

Does everyone have a skeleton?

Not everyone has 206 bones But babies are born with over 300 bones, originally made of cartilage, which are mineralised during the first few years of life, and some bones fuse together. Some people are born with extra bones, such as a 13th pair of ribs or an extra digit.

What does skeleton mean?

1 : a firm structure or framework of a living thing that in vertebrates (as fish, birds, or humans) is typically made of bone and supports the soft tissues of the body and protects the internal organs. 2 : framework the steel skeleton of a building. skeleton. noun.

What does its dead in the water mean?

Unable to function or move; inoperable. For example, Without an effective leader, our plans for expansion are dead in the water. Originally referring to a crippled ship, this colloquialism was soon applied more broadly.

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What does the expression shake a leg mean?

old-fashioned informal. used to tell someone to hurry or act more quickly: Come on, Nick, shake a leg or we’ll never be ready in time. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

Does skeleton have cupboard?

If someone has a skeleton in the cupboard (or closet in US English), it means that they have a dark or embarrassing secret about their past that they would prefer to remain undisclosed. The expression has in origins in the medical profession.