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What does MCA stand for aviation?

What does MCA stand for aviation?

Minimum Crossing Altitude (MCA). An MCA is the lowest altitude at certain fixes at which the aircraft must cross when proceeding in the direction of a higher minimum en route IFR altitude.

What MCA stands for?

Master of Computer Applications
Master of Computer Applications (degree) MCA.

What is minimum controllable airspeed?

By definition, the term “flight at minimum controllable airspeed” (MCA) means a speed at which any further increase in angle of attack or load factor, or reduction in power will cause an immediate stall. As airspeed decreases, control effectiveness decreases disproportionately.

What is the full form of AMP in aviation?

AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Programme) | EASA.

What is a MOCA IFR?

The MOCA is the lowest published altitude in effect between fixes on VOR airways, off-airway routes, or route segments that meets obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment. This altitude also assures acceptable navigational signal coverage only within 22 NM of a VOR.

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What does MCA stand for in Maritime?

Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Abbreviation MCA
Legal status Executive agency
Purpose Maritime Regulator
Location Southampton
Region served United Kingdom coast

What is the expansion of MCA?

Master of Computer Applications or MCA is a professional degree in computer science. MCA is a two year long professional post-graduate degree course for students who deeply want to learn computer application development.

What is P factor in aviation?

P-factor, also known as asymmetric blade effect and asymmetric disc effect, is an aerodynamic phenomenon experienced by a moving propeller, where the propeller’s center of thrust moves off-center when the aircraft is at a high angle of attack.

What is maintenance Steering Group?

Maintenance Steering Group-3 (MSG-3) is a method for developing preventive maintenance programs in the aerospace industry. The process is maintained by A4A (Airlines For America formerly known as ATA). A decision tree is then applied to decide the maintenance strategy for each SSI.