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What does my OPT mean?

What does my OPT mean?

Overview. OPT (Optional Practical Training) is a benefit available to international students in F-1 immigration status who are enrolled in, or completing, a degree program in the United States. This employment can be used: Before completion of studies during an annual vacation or leave term. After completion of studies …

What is OPT and how it works?

OPT stands for Optional Practical Training. OPT allows international students to work in the USA for an initial period of 12 months, with the possibility for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students to extend this by a further 24 months.

What is the OPT visa?

Optional practical training (OPT) allows students on an F-1 visa — students studying abroad in the United States temporarily — to take temporary employment in an area directly related to their studies. Any time spent in OPT pre-completion will count toward the total 12-month period.

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What is CPT immigration status?

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) status allows international students with a F-1 student visa to gain work experience through employment training and paid internship programs directly related to your major area of study. With CPT, you can work: Full time for 20 hours or more per week.

What is OPT in USA Quora?

An OPT is work authorization for student visa holding candidates in the USA. The full form of OPT is Optional Practical Training. This work authorization is specific for the students that apply to any America based university. An OPT is valid for a time period of 12 months.

Do we get OPT after Phd?

You can go for post completion OPT on your F1 visa after graduating from PHD. The post-completion OPT is actually the main purpose of OPT. With post-completion OPT, you have the right to work for 12 months after you completed your degree. All OPT must be completed within 14 months after completing your degree.

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How long is OPT?

How long does OPT last? Standard OPT is available for a cumulative maximum of 12 months per educational level. A one-time extension of 24 months (for a total of 36 months) is available to certain STEM degree recipients.