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What does NUM for NUM mean in Python?

What does NUM for NUM mean in Python?

3 Answers. +3. num is a variable like x num \% x is equal to 17 \% 3. The nearest multiple of 3 from 17 and smaller than 17 is 15, so the remainder of the division of 17 by 3 is 17-15 so 2.

How do you read numbers in Python?

Example 1: Read Number/Integer from Console

  1. Python Program #read integer from user n1 = int(input(‘Enter a number: ‘)) n2 = int(input(‘Enter another number: ‘)) print(‘The sum of two numbers is:’, n1+n2)
  2. Output.
  3. Python Program #read integer from user n1 = int(input(‘Enter a number: ‘)) print(type(n1))
  4. Output.

What is NUM in coding?

Computers work by processing and manipulating numbers. Most programming languages make a distinction between whole numbers and decimal numbers. This distinction is based on how they are represented inside the machine. Integers are whole numbers represented as binary values.

What is the result of 5 2 in Python 3?

In Python 3. x, 5 / 2 will return 2.5 and 5 // 2 will return 2 . The former is floating point division, and the latter is floor division, sometimes also called integer division.

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What does 0 mean in a string?

The {0} means to insert the first parameter following the format string; in this case the value associated with the key “rtf”. It’s a placeholder in the string. For example, string b = “world.”; Console. WriteLine(“Hello {0}”, b);

How do you print 5 numbers in Python?

  1. To print 1 to 50, you need to pass n+1 for eg, 1 to 51 in range function, its (i=1;i<51,i++) in C alike syntax.
  2. print comma if you want between every digits.
  3. to print line break for every 5, you can just use current if i\%5==0: but print blank line, instead of i.

How do I print two numbers in Python?

“how to print numbers between two numbers in pythom” Code Answer

  1. items = []
  2. for i in range(100, 401):
  3. s = str(i)
  4. if (int(s[0])\%2==0) and (int(s[1])\%2==0) and (int(s[2])\%2==0):
  5. items. append(s)
  6. print( “,”. join(items))