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What does Octothorpe mean in Python?

What does Octothorpe mean in Python?

Learn Python the Hard Way: Comments and Pound Characters I call it the octothorpe and that is the only name that no country uses and that works in every country. These pound characters are just considered characters and aren’t considered comments.

What symbol does Python use for a comment?

symbol #
In Python script, the symbol # indicates start of comment line. It is effective till the end of line in the editor. If # is the first character of line, then entire line is a comment. It can be used in the middle of a line.

How is comment line written in Python?

Comment Syntax Comments in Python begin with a hash mark ( # ) and whitespace character and continue to the end of the line.

How do you comment out a block of code in Python?

To comment out a block of code in IDLE, we have to first select the line and then press the key combination ctrl+D. This will comment out the selected lines of code as shown below. To uncomment the lines of code, we just have to select the lines and then press ctrl+shift+d . This will uncomment the selected lines.

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What is the purpose of hashtag in Python?

Hash method in Python is a module that is used to return the hash value of an object. In programming, the hash method is used to return integer values that are used to compare dictionary keys using a dictionary look up feature.

What is the purpose of a string variable in Python?

A string in Python is a sequence of characters. It is a derived data type. Strings are immutable. This means that once defined, they cannot be changed.

What does the hashtag mean in Python?

In Python, any line of instructions containing the # symbol (“pound sign” or “hash”) denotes the start of a comment. The rest of the line will be ignored when the program is run.

How do you comment in code?

How to comment Code: Primarily, a single “block” comment should be placed at the top of the function (or file) and describe the purpose the code and any algorithms used to accomplish the goal. In-line comments should be used sparingly, only where the code is not “self-documenting”.

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Why do we use comments in Python programming explain with example?

A Python comment is a line of text in a program that is not executed by the interpreter. Comments are used during debugging to identify issues and to explain code. Comments start with a hash character (#).

How do you comment out a paragraph in Python?

To comment code in Python, write the “#”(octothorpe) at every new code line. It tells the Python compiler to ignore its execution and go to the next line. Comments start with a #, and the Python compiler will ignore its execution. In the above example, we commented on the code using the # sign.

How to comment code in Python?

To comment code in Python, write the “#” (octothorpe) at every new code line. It tells the Python compiler to ignore its execution and go to the next line. Comments start with a #, and the Python compiler will ignore its execution. # Use “#” to comment in Python code print (“Comment in Python”)

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How do you comment in Python with a pound sign?

Most Python IDEs support a mechanism to do the block-commenting-with-pound-signs automatically for you. Programmers often use the comment blocks for mostly two purposes. To comment code in Python, write the “#” (octothorpe) at every new code line. It tells the Python compiler to ignore its execution and go to the next line.

Can a Python comment span across multiple lines of code?

But the function could have blocks of code indented at multiple levels. So take care of the alignment, when you comment inside the internal code blocks. Python allows comments to span across multiple lines. Such comments are known as multiline or block comments. You can use this style of commenting to describe something more complicated.

How to use multiline comments in Python?

Here is an example to use the multiline Python comment. To add multiline comments, you should begin each line with the pound (#) symbol followed by a single space. You can divide a comment into paragraphs. Just add an empty line with a hash mark between each para. Note: The symbol (#) is also known as the octothorpe.