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What does off license mean in the UK?

What does off license mean in the UK?

off-licence in British English 1. a shop, or a counter in a pub or hotel, where alcoholic drinks are sold for consumption elsewhere. US equivalents: package store, liquor store. 2. a licence permitting such sales.

What is slang for off-licence?

It means a shop that has a licence to sell alcohol, but the purchaser has to take it away and consume it off the premises. The shops licence does not allow the alcohol to actually be opened and consumed in the shop. Hence, “off-premises” or “off-licence”. If you want slang, it’s sometimes called “the offy”.

Why is an off-licence called an outdoor?

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I think you will find that the description “Outdoor” came from times when pubs had a door that led to the part of the pub where you could buy booze etc. to take away.

What is the meaning of foreign liquor off shop?

An ‘off shop’ is essentially a retail outlet that just sells liquor; an ‘on shop’ allows consumption of the liquor on its premises.

What is an off license called in America?

liquor store
Depending on region and local idiom, they may also be called an off-licence (in the UK and Ireland), bottle shop / bottle-o (Australia/New Zealand, parts of Canada) liquor store (US) or other similar terms. Very limited number of jurisdictions have an alcohol monopoly.

What is the difference between off license and on license?

Off-licence (sometimes known as off-sales or informally offie) is a term used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for a shop licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises, as opposed to a bar or public house which is licensed for consumption at the point of sale (on-licence).

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What does OFFY mean in slang?

offy (plural offies) (Ireland, Britain, slang) An off-licence. (Australia, cricket, slang) An off break.

Why are corner shops called off license?

It means they have a licence to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, i.e. take away.

What do the British call a liquor store?

American British
hardware store ironmonger’s
jewelry store jeweller’s
liquor store off-licence
newsstand newsagent’s

What are two functions of an on Licence?

An on-licence applies to a premises where the licensee can sell and supply alcohol for consumption on the premises; and can let people consume alcohol on the premises.

What is the difference between on license and off license?

What age can you drink at home UK?

What age can children drink alcohol at home and what’s the legal drinking age in the UK? It is illegal to sell alcohol to anyone aged under 18 and for under 18s to buy or attempt to buy alcohol. However, children aged five to 16 are legally allowed to drink alcohol at home or on other private premises.