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What does OLC stand for?

What does OLC stand for?


Acronym Definition
OLC Office of Licensure and Certification (Virginia Department of Health)
OLC on Line Creation
OLC Online Learning Community
OLC on Line Community

What does an oak leaf mean on a medal ribbon?

An oak leaf cluster is a common device which is placed on military awards and decorations to denote those who have received more than one bestowal of a particular decoration. The number of oak leaf clusters typically indicates the second and subsequent award of the decoration.

What is the oak leaf cluster for Army Awards?

a U.S. military decoration in the form of a small bronze twig bearing four oak leaves and three acorns, worn on the ribbon of another decoration for valor, wounds, or distinguished service to signify a second award of the same medal.

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What does Purple Heart and OLC mean?

OLC – Oak Leaf Cluster (generally appears in conjunction with another award) PH – Purple Heart. POWM – Prisoner of War Medal.

What does Nike OLC mean?

Open Left Chest
OLC stands for Open Left Chest.

What is a Purple Heart with cluster?

An Oak Leaf Cluster is granted to a member of the U.S. Army or Air Force who has been previously wounded and who already has a Purple Heart, and a Gold Star is awarded to a member of the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard for the same purpose.

What does SS mean on a military headstone?

Silver Star Medal
In later years various honors were shown on tombstones as follows.

ACM Army Commendation Medal
LOM Legion of Merit
OLC — preceded by a number indicates how many achieved Oak Leaf Cluster.
PH Purple Heart
SS or SSM Silver Star Medal may also mean Sharp Shooter

What is OLC certificate?

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The OLC Advanced Online Teaching Certificate Program is a 12-week workshop designed to help educators fine-tune existing online courses and degree programs in order to have a positive impact on student learning.