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What does PEP stand for in the workplace?

What does PEP stand for in the workplace?

PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis.

What does PEP stand for in text?

Summary of Key Points “People” is the most common definition for PEPS on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. PEPS. Definition: People.

What does PEP stand for in marketing?

Political Exposed Persons (PEPs) are defined as high-risk customers who have greater opportunities than ordinary citizens to acquire assets through illegal means such as taking bribes and money laundering. PEPs have to be identified and screened in financial institutions because of the risks they have.

What does PEP mean in HR?

Performance Evaluation and Planning
Performance Evaluation and Planning (PEP) Form | Human Resources.

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What does PEP stand for in PE?

Athletes use a personal exercise programme (PEP) to ensure their training develops the specific skills and fitness they require for their sport. This is designed to suit their individual needs. Physical Education. Performance analysis.

What does PEP mean in school?

Parent Engagement Programs | Parents for Public Schools, Inc. Learn more.

What is PEP and PIP?

There is no single global definition for a politically exposed person (PEP), they are classified differently in each country/bank. The notion of Prominent Influential Persons (PIPs) was raised, with suggestions for stressing the importance of local influencers, such as religious leaders or chiefs of provinces.

What does PEP stand for in banking?

Politically exposed persons (PEPs) status does not predict criminal behavior, but the additional risk exposure it brings means that financial institutions must apply additional AML/CFT measures when establishing a business relationship.

What is a pep social services?

The personal education plan (PEP) A PEP is a statutory requirement to ensure that a record is maintained regarding the child’s educational progress and thus it forms an integral part of the child’s overall care plan.

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What does PEP mean in Jamaica?

Primary Exit Profile
The Ministry of Education, Youth & Information will be introducing the Primary Exit Profile (PEP), which will replace the Grade Six Achievement Test.

What does PEP stand for Python?

Python Enhancement Proposal
PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. A PEP is a design document providing information to the Python community, or describing a new feature for Python or its processes or environment.

What is a pip in AML?

Defining a PIP/PEP. A Politically Exposed Person or PEP is the term used for an individual who is or has in the past (preferably 1 year after giving up any political function) been entrusted with prominent public functions in a particular country.