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What does Pip in Pip-Boy stand for?

What does Pip in Pip-Boy stand for?

Personal Information Processor
The RobCo PIP-Boy (Personal Information Processor) is an electronic device manufactured by RobCo Industries.

What is the Pip-Boy character called?

Vault Boy

Vault Boy
Created by Leonard Boyarsky
Designed by George Almond Tramell Ray Isaac
In-universe information
Alias Pip-Boy, Vault-Man

How does the Pip-Boy work?

Fallout Pip-Boy will sync to your game of Fallout 4 and let you monitor stats and inventory, check on the map, listen to the radio, and play holotape games without having to pause the game. The app works whether or not you bought the wearable Pip-Boy “phone case.”

What inspired the Pip-Boy?

A 3D-printed prototype wearable designed for astronauts takes its inspiration directly from the screens of the Fallout series.

What is the Vault Boy’s real name?

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The makers of Fallout 3 returned to the real name “Vault Boy” in the game itself, although confusingly enough he is still called “Pip-Boy” in the trademark legal documents.

What does Vault Boy represent?

In-game, Vault Boy is often used in Vault-Tec materials to communicate information to players. He is used to represent the player in the Fallout 4 perk tree, for instance, or in a video explaining the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system.

Is the Pip Boy real?

Remember last E3, how Bethesda announced a real-life Pip-Boy? The new Pip-Boy weighs roughly two pounds, is lined with cushioned foam, and apparently “most” of the dials and knobs are functional — not just eye candy. The lovably gaudy wearable releases this November, but pre-orders are available now.

Can you take off a Pipboy?

Your Pip-Boy’s the best friend you’ll ever have! Besides, you can’t get it off. Biometric seals et cetera.

Does vats do more damage?

The V.A.T.S. critical chance bonus is 5\% instead of 15\%. V.A.T.S. no longer inflicts additional weapon’s durability damage on use.

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What does vans do in Fallout 4?

↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: “The V.A.N.S. perk enables the Vault-Tec Assisted Navigation System, which draws a path to your closest quest target.”