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What does red stripe on medicine means?

What does red stripe on medicine means?

Medicines with the Red Line on their strips should be consumed only with the doctor’s prescription.

How many pills are in a strip?

Most of the medical shops in the twin cities refuse to sell 1-2 tablets and insist on buying a strip of 10 tablets, thereby creating a lot of inconvenience to patients.

What is a red prescription?

The so-called ‘red prescription’ was introduced by the Ministry of Health to prevent abuse of addictive medicines. This prescription is issued if a medication is considered to be beneficial in treatment of severe psychiatric symptoms, cancer patients, and treatment of aggravated forms of certain diseases.

Why is there a line in between medications?

Pill scoring A drug manufacturer may score pills with a groove to both indicate that a pill may be split and to aid the practice of splitting pills. When manufacturers do create grooves in pills, the groove must be consistent for consumers to be able to use them effectively.

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What does Rx mean medical?

“Rx” is actually “R” (for recipe) followed by a slanting “t” (for thou) translating to “Something for you to take!!” The slanting “t” actually looks like an “x”, therefore it is known as “Rx” – the symbol for a prescription.

What is medicine strip made of?

Aluminium Foil Strip For Medicine.

Why does tablet Strip have empty space?

Also, at times, medicines are sold as part of a fraction of a strip to the customers, which can lead to some details being cut-off from the pack. So, the spaces are provided to ensure that all printed content stays within the space, if it is sold one tablet at a time.

What is the meaning of green mark on medicine?

Every food supplement has a dot sign that differentiate it from medicines. This dot may be green in color or may be brown. Green color indicates all ingredients used are obtained from vegetarian source.

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What is a Red List drug?

What Is The Red List? The Red list contains medicines which have been discussed at the Medicines Management Board/Area Prescribing Committee Stakeholders/Locality and it has been agreed are not normally recommended for prescribing in primary care.

Why are some pills Coloured?

Why are medicines different colors? Pill color is chosen by the drug manufacturer. The decision is mostly based in marketing and the color in and of itself has no bearing on the efficacy of the drug. That said, the associations patients make with the colors may affect how they respond to the drugs.