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What does SHM mean in Roblox?

What does SHM mean in Roblox?

SMH in Roblox means Shaking My Head.

What does FP mean in Roblox?

FP – Free Paint. Commonly used in Country RP Games. FRP – Fail roleplay. Used in roleplaying games to describe players poorly roleplaying.

What does FTF mean?


Acronym Definition
FTF First to Fight (computer game)
FTF Fill the Front
FTF Face To Face (in person)
FTF Fédération Tunisienne de Football (French: Tunisian Football Federation; Tunisia)

What is BSF Roblox?

Here is what BSF means in Roblox. BSF in Roblox is a way for a player to call a female player one of their best friends. Essentially, it stands for “Best Sister Friend,” or in other words, a female player has become so close as a friend that you can consider them a sister.

What does F P mean?


Acronym Definition
F/P First Payment (finance)
F/P Fireplace
F/P False Positive
F/P Fire/Poison (MapleStory)

What does SMH stand for in a text message?

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In some cases, the letters “SMH” in a text message are meant to stand for “Smack My Head.”. A person will write “SMH” to indicate that she is feeling so irritated or disappointed by something that someone has done or said, that the only response is to smack her head in irritation or frustration. Show Comments.

What does ‘SMH’ mean in Internet slang?

Standing for shaking my head, SMH is an internet slang initialism variously used to convey disappointment, disapproval, frustration, or impatience.

What does SMH mean in computer slang?

SMH is a slang abbreviation that stands for Shaking My Head. It is used to express disbelief and disapproval that somebody has said or done something that is really stupid or bad or makes little sense. SMH is also used to express the same reaction to something that is really stupid or bad or makes little sense.

What does SMH mean in social media?

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SMH meaning is an acronym for “shaking my head”. “SMH” is used often in social media, texting, email, and chat. It is common to see the term used on Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, YouTube, and website comments or forum posts.