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What does Snowball in Animal Farm represent?

What does Snowball in Animal Farm represent?

Snowball, fictional character, a pig who is one of the leaders of the revolt in Animal Farm (1945), George Orwell’s allegorical tale about the early history of Soviet Russia. Most critics agree that Snowball represents Leon Trotsky.

What is the symbolism in Animal Farm?

Animal Farm, known at the beginning and the end of the novel as the Manor Farm, symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under Communist Party rule. But more generally, Animal Farm stands for any human society, be it capitalist, socialist, fascist, or communist.

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What lesson does Snowball teach Animal Farm?

I believe that the lesson to be learnt from Snowball is that good can be overwhelmed by evil if those who do good are not wary of the malevolence lurking within their very midst. Snowball believed in himself and never guarded or acted against Napoleon.

Who does Snowball and Napoleon represent?

Old Major stands for either Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin, and the pig named Snowball represents the intellectual revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Napoleon stands for Stalin, while the dogs are his secret police.

How is Snowball a leader in Animal Farm?

Snowball is a responsible leader. He genuinely believes in Old Major’s vision of an animal world. He is able to develop plans, and organize animals on the farm. Unfortunately he lacks the “skills” to manipulate and scare other animals to keep his power from those.

Who is Clover Animal Farm?

Clover. A good-hearted female cart-horse and Boxer’s close friend. Clover often suspects the pigs of violating one or another of the Seven Commandments, but she repeatedly blames herself for misremembering the commandments.

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What do the pigs symbolize in Animal Farm?

The pigs represent key members of Bolshevik leadership: Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, and Squealer represents Vyacheslav Molotov.

Why is Snowball the leader of Animal Farm?

What did Snowball do wrong in Animal Farm?

Snowball is eventually forced out of the farm when Napoleon uses his guard dogs to attack Snowball. After that, he is blamed for problems on the farm. It is believed that he was in support of Jones from the start as well as sowing seeds with weeds. In the 1954 animated adaptation it is implied that the dogs kill him.

What does Snowball look like in Animal Farm?

Snowball is a character in George Orwell’s 1945 novel Animal Farm. He is largely based on Leon Trotsky, who led the opposition against Joseph Stalin (Napoleon). He is shown as a white pig on the movie poster for the 1999 film Animal Farm, and as a white pig in the 1954 film.

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Is snowball good?

Snowball is also active and works hard on a lot of different things at the same time for the farm. His nonstop work ethic, cleverness way he is, and public speaking skills make him a very good persosaive leader. Snowball forms a lot of complicated designs and plans to build.

What did snowball do in the battle of cowshed?

What is Snowball’s role at the Battle of the Cowshed? Snowball is a hero at the Battle of the Cowshed, bravely leading the animals’ defensive operations to decisive victory over Mr. Jones, who tries to retake the farm. After Snowball flees the farm, however, Napoleon and Squealer slowly distort this history.