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What does tertiary disability mean?

What does tertiary disability mean?

Tertiary gain—defined as those gains sought or attained from a patient’s illness by someone other than the patient—can be a significant perpetuating factor in illness and disability.

How do I find my TAFE qualifications?


  1. Once logged in, click on “Student” and then “Student Records”
  2. Click on “Academic Transcript”
  3. Set Transcript Level to “All Levels” and Transcript Type to “Baseline Transcript”, then click. “Submit”
  4. Your Student information and Academic Transcript will be displayed.

How do I get my TAFE transcripts Qld?

Go to enrol.tafe.qld.gov.au and follow the link to log on. Your User ID is your student number. You can find this on your confirmation of enrolment or on your student ID card.

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What are the categories of disabling conditions?

To be covered, a child’s school performance must be “adversely affected” by a disability in one of the 13 categories below.

  • Specific learning disability (SLD)
  • Other health impairment.
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Emotional disturbance.
  • Speech or language impairment.
  • Visual impairment, including blindness.
  • Deafness.

What disabilities are not covered by IDEA?

The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; of intellectual disability; of emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.

Where do I find my qualification code?

Qualification Codes

  • The first letters refer to the training package which contains the qualification.
  • The first number refers to the AQF level of the qualification.
  • The next two numbers indicate the sequence, basically the order in which the qualification is located within the training package.

What is a Testamur?

A testamur (also known as an award or degree certificate) is given to students when they graduate. UQ website for information on degree certificates, transcripts and documents.

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What is my TAFE QLD username?

What is my username and password for the Student Portal? Your username and password is the same as what you use to login to Connect or a TAFE Queensland computer on campus. You must use your TAFE Queensland nine-digit Student ID (as your username) and network password to log in via our Single Sign-On page.