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What does the area under the curve represent in a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve?

What does the area under the curve represent in a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve?

What does the area under a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution represent? The y-axis of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution graph gives the number of molecules per unit speed. The total area under the entire curve is equal to the total number of molecules in the gas.

What does the Maxwell speed distribution tell us?

The Maxwell-Boltzmann equation, which forms the basis of the kinetic theory of gases, defines the distribution of speeds for a gas at a certain temperature. From this distribution function, the most probable speed, the average speed, and the root-mean-square speed can be derived.

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What is Maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular velocities?

This law gives the fraction of gas molecules at different speeds. In 1859, Maxwell derived this law just from the premise that a sample of gas is isotropic (i.e. its properties are the same in all directions).

What do you understand by the distribution of molecular velocities of a gas?

The motion of individual molecules in a gas is random in magnitude and direction. However, a gas of many molecules has a predictable distribution of molecular speeds, known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

Does Maxwell’s theory work for a sample of 200 molecules?

Maxwell theory works for large number of molecules so that the statistical distribution is reliable. A sample of 200 molecules is not sufficient to obtain a smooth distribution.

Does Maxwell’s theory work for a sample of 200 molecules explain?

How does the speed distribution of gas particles vary with temperature?

The speed of the molecules in a gas is proportional to the temperature and is inversely proportional to molar mass of the gas. In other words, as the temperature of a sample of gas is increased, the molecules speed up and the root mean square molecular speed increases as a result.

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What do you mean by molecular velocities explain the different types of velocities?

MOST PROBABLE VELOCITY::: is the velocity possessed by maximum number of molecules of the gas at a given temperature. It is denoted by and is given by the following equation: @(alpha) = 2RT/M. 2. AVERAGE VELOCITY:: thantis the arithmetic mean of the velocities of all molecules.

What are the important features of Maxwell distribution of molecular velocities?

The important features of Maxwell distribution of velocities are: (i) The fraction of molecules with very low or high velocities is very small. (ii) The fraction of molecules possessing higher velocities goes on increasing till it reaches the peak and further it starts decreasing.

What is the meaning of fraction of molecules?

Answer: it is identical to the number of fraction which is defined as the number of molecules of a constituent N1 divided by the total number of all molecules Ntot.