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What does the operator do in JavaScript?

What does the operator do in JavaScript?

An operator is capable of manipulating a certain value or operand. Operators are used to perform specific mathematical and logical computations on operands. In other words, we can say that an operator operates the operands. In JavaScript operators are used for compare values, perform arithmetic operations etc.

What are the 3 operators?

The three main types of operators are Arithmetical, Logical and Relational.

What are the operators used in JavaScript?

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

Operator Name Example
+ Addition x + y
Subtraction x – y
* Multiplication x * y
/ Division x / y

Which operator uses 3?

ternary operator
And finally, a ternary operator is one that requires three operands.

What is the function of operators?

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An operator is used to manipulate individual data items and return a result. These items are called operands or arguments. Operators are represented by special characters or by keywords.

What is the purpose of operator?

Arithmetic Operators are used to perform mathematical calculations. Assignment Operators are used to assign a value to a property or variable. Assignment Operators can be numeric, date, system, time, or text. Comparison Operators are used to perform comparisons.

What are the different operators and expressions in JavaScript?

Assignment operators

Name Shorthand operator Meaning
Addition assignment x += f() x = x + f()
Subtraction assignment x -= f() x = x – f()
Multiplication assignment x *= f() x = x * f()
Division assignment x /= f() x = x / f()

What is role of operator in programming language?

An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform specific mathematical, relational or logical operation and produce final result.