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What does the phrase cutting the fat mean?

What does the phrase cutting the fat mean?

New Word Suggestion. To cut off people who are no longer your friends or people online that haven’t been on in the last year.

Why do you trim the fat?

Their logic: fat shrinks much quicker than the meat cooks and can cause loss of juices that make your steak tender and mouth-watering. Trimming the fat can help the cooking process and also ensure too much grease doesn’t drip down into the grates, causing intense fire and heat.

How can a business reduce fat?

Cutting the Fat: Getting Your Business Into Shape

  1. Decrease Paperwork Time. Menial tasks such as paperwork distract you from the real task of growing your business.
  2. Install New Technologies. Every business needs the newest technologies to run as smoothly as it can.
  3. Create a New Network.
  4. Cut Down on Unproductive Travel Time.
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What does trimming cut mean?

A trim usually consists of a haircut that retains the same shape, but it’s shorter in length. It’s simply about cutting off just the right amount of hair that is needed for it to be healthy while not compromising on the style.

How do you trim fat writing?

Here are eight tips for trimming the fat from your writing:

  1. Limit each sentence to one idea.
  2. Avoid long sentences.
  3. Vary the length of sentences.
  4. Do not start with “There are.” Sometimes it’s effective to begin a sentence with “there” or “there are.” However, use this approach sparingly because it makes writing clumsy.

How much fat should you trim off a brisket?

As a general rule, you can leave about a ¼ inch of fat on the brisket if you don’t want to trim it as close as the image shows. Remember that seasoning and smoke will never penetrate much farther than about ¼ inch, so if you want more flavor in your brisket, you are going to have to trim it pretty tight.

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What is trimming in manufacturing process?

The trimming process is the shearing of excess material from the headed configuration of complex shapes so as to obtain the final design and specifications.

What is trimming in shipping?

marine. Adding, removal or shifting of weight in a ship to achieve the required forward and aft draughts.

How do you trim writing?

10 Tricks to Reduce Your Word Count in Academic Writing

  1. Delete “The” You can often omit the word “the” from your text without losing any meaning.
  2. Erase “That”
  3. Remove Adverbs and Adjectives.
  4. Use Shorter Words.
  5. Trim Wordy Phrases.
  6. Choose Active Voice.
  7. Revise Needless Transitions.
  8. Eliminate Conjunctions.

How do you trim an article?

How to Trim Down a Manuscript to Meet a Word Limit

  1. Ditch the passive voice. I know, you’ve heard this a million times.
  2. Cut an example or case study.
  3. Move dates to before events or texts.
  4. Change modifying clauses to adjectives or possessives.
  5. Replace adjectives and adverbs with nouns and verbs.
  6. Change your citation style.
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Do I trim all the fat off a brisket?

You should take the time to trim and shape your whole brisket because: A trimmed brisket cooks more evenly than an untrimmed one. Removing the excess fat from the fat cap helps your brisket’s bark develop. The hard fat on top of the point cut doesn’t render out in the smoker.