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What does the phrase down in the mouth mean?

What does the phrase down in the mouth mean?

or down at the mouth. Informal. depressed; unhappy; discouraged.

What does put it in her mouth mean?

Definition of put words in/into someone’s mouth : to suggest that someone said or meant something that he or she did not actually say or mean Don’t put words in my mouth. I wasn’t defending his actions, despite what you may think.

Where does the expression on the money come from?

‘On the money’ does not come from the same root. Most sources agree it has to do with horse racing, specifically the related bets. A winning horse would be ‘on the money’. A losing one would be ‘out of the money’.

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What is the meaning of cock a snook?

Definition of cock a snook at British, informal. : to show that one does not respect or value (something) He never misses a chance to cock a snook at modern art.

Where does the phrase down in the mouth come from?

The phrase down in the mouth first appeared in the mid-1600s, and simply refers to the fact that people who are unhappy are usually depicted with a frown, a facial expression that involves a downturn at the corners of the mouth. The phrase is sometimes rendered as down at the mouth.

What does cutting the rug mean?

old-fashioned slang. : to dance in an energetic way He’s not young anymore, but he can still cut a rug on the dance floor.

What does calling dogs off mean?

to tell someone to stop criticizing, attacking, or damaging another person. After years of persecution, it’s time to call off the dogs. He’s been punished enough.

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What does the term right on the money mean?

exact or correct: Her prediction was right on the money. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Accurate and exact. accuracy.

What does 5 fingers to the nose mean?

The general understanding of what’s meant by ‘cock a snook’ is the spread hand with thumb on the nose, preferably with crossed eyes, waggling fingers and any other annoying gesticulation that comes to mind at the time. It’s what the Americans call ‘the five-fingered salute’.

What is the meaning of cut both ends?

If you say something cuts both/two ways, you think it has both a good and a bad side.