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What does the Shootist mean?

What does the Shootist mean?

Definition of shootist : one who shoots especially : marksman.

Is Shootist a proper word?

a marksman with a pistol or rifle. a gunfighter, as in the Old West.

What is a disastrous evil or affliction?

Full Definition of plague (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a disastrous evil or affliction : calamity.

What is a shot list in filmmaking?

A shot list is a document that maps out exactly what will occur and what will be used in that particular shot, or scene, of the film. It serves as a detailed checklist that gives the video a sense of direction and prepares the crew for film expectations.

What does scavenge mean in the dictionary?

Definition of scavenge transitive verb. 1a(1) : to remove (dirt, refuse, etc.) from an area. (2) : to clean away dirt or refuse from : cleanse scavenge a street. b : to feed on (carrion or refuse)

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What is calamitous in disaster?

a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure.

What is it called when the camera moves up and down?

A pedestal (AKA Boom up/down or Jib up/down) involves moving the camera upwards or downwards in relation to a subject. It’s different from tilting in that the entire camera ascends or descends, rather than just the angle of the camera.

How do you make a shotlist?

How to Create a Shot List in 5 Steps

  1. Choose a scene from your script and open a new spreadsheet.
  2. Break down how you want to capture every individual shot in the scene one-by-one.
  3. Give each shot a unique number, starting with 1.
  4. Make sure you assign every part of the scene its own shot.

What does the word Mudlarking mean?

1 : a person who grubs in mud (as in search of stray bits of coal, iron, rope) specifically : an urchin who grubs for a living along the tide flats of the English Thames. 2a dialectal, England : pipit.

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What does the word Direful mean?

adjective. dreadful; awful; terrible. indicating trouble: direful forecasts.

What does calamitous marriage mean?

Calamitous is an adjective that is generally used to describe events, and these events are disastrous or destructive.