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What does the term pile driver mean?

What does the term pile driver mean?

Definition of pile driver : a machine for driving down piles with a drop hammer or a steam or air hammer.

What does aubergine mean in England?

Definition of aubergine 1 chiefly British : eggplant sense 1. 2 : eggplant sense 2.

What does tombstone piledriver mean?

Often referred to as a Tombstone piledriver. The wrestler first stands facing an opponent and places their stronger arm between the opponent’s legs and their weaker arm on the opponent’s opposite shoulder.

How does a pile bunker work?

A weapon that shoots a single spike forward, which then retracts so it can be fired again, just like a pile driver. Pile bunkers are sometimes built into a special gauntlet or arm for mecha or humans. Often, like with drills, it is justified by the need to penetrate heavy armor or barriers.

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Is piles an English word?

Piles is an informal word meaning hemorrhoids.

What is Bawaseer disease in English?

Bawaseer-e- Aamiya (Non Bleeding Piles/ Non Bleeding Haemorrhoids) Introduction. It is a mass developed in the vessels of anal canal. In non-bleeding type of piles there is swelling near anus, it does not bleed but pains a lot. In other words It is swollen and inflamed vein in the rectum or anus.

What is a courgette in England?

Zucchini. This vegetable is called a courgette in the UK. Both words mean “the little squash”, but the US word comes from Italian and the British from French. Similarly, an eggplant is called an aubergine in the UK.

Does the Piledriver hurt?

The Piledriver was a stable move in professional wrestling but always put the receiver at a disadvantage while being executed. The compression on the head and the force put on the neck by the bodyweight upon impact could lead to severe injury.

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Why is Piledriver banned?

9. The Piledriver. A classic finisher, and possibly the very first move ever explicitly banned by WWE, after a mistake by Owen Hart accidentally broke the neck of rising star “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.