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What does Undesirable No 1 mean?

What does Undesirable No 1 mean?

“Undesirable No.1”: Harry Potter. An Undesirable is a criminally-wanted wizard by the Ministry of Magic, similar to a “Public Enemy” or “Most Wanted” in the Muggle world. From 1997-1998, Harry Potter was marked Undesirable No.

Who was undesirable No 3 in Harry Potter?

Ron Weasley
Ron Weasley Undesirable No. 3 The Deathly Hallows – Google Images | Cartaz harry potter, Sala de aula harry potter, Harry potter elenco.

Who was undesirable No 2?

Hermione Granger: Undesirable no. 2 | Cartaz harry potter, Harry potter tumblr, Quadrinhos harry potter.

Why does the ministry want Harry Potter in Deathly Hallows Part 1?

Voldemort, and by extension the Ministry, wanted to use this claim that Harry killed Dumbledore to lure him out of the shadows and into the open, where Voldemort could kill him, thus removing his one true opponent.

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Who is wanted in Harry Potter?

The ‘goal’ was to have ‘no American actors’ in the franchise Robin Williams wanted to play Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter franchise, according to director Chris Columbus. Columbus spoke to Total Film to mark the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

What symbol is deathly hallows?

The Deathly Hallows symbol – a vertical line and circle enclosed by a triangle – represents three legendary Harry Potter artifacts: the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility. The Masonic Square and Compasses symbol forms a similar triangular shape.

What was the reward for Harry Potter?

The rewards are varied. You can get energy points, coins, gems, or ability points. Considering that completing tasks yields money, always choose ability points. If you are left with 15 empathy points, 100 coins, and 5 knowledge points, choose empathy.

What happened to bathilda?

Death and Post Mortem Sometime after her interview with Rita Skeeter, Bathilda was murdered through the Dark Arts and her body was animated by Lord Voldemort. Voldemort did this using his snake, Nagini.

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What happened in Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1?

As Harry, Ron, and Hermione race against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, they uncover the existence of the three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows. Voldemort’s (Ralph Fiennes’) power is growing stronger. He now has control over the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts.

Who was undesirable?

An Undesirable was a witch or wizard who was wanted by the Ministry of Magic for being (allegedly) a criminal, similar to a “Public Enemy” or “Most Wanted” in the Muggle world. Dolores Umbridge had a poster with Harry Potter’s picture on it in her office at the Ministry of Magic, labelled “Undesirable No.

Is Deathly Hallows real?

When asked in an interview if the Hallows were based on any real-world myth or fairy tale, J. K. Rowling responded with, “Perhaps the Pardoner’s Tale, by Chaucer.” Although he never handled all three Hallows at the same time, Harry Potter was regarded by Albus Dumbledore as the true Master of Death.