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What forces act on kicking a ball?

What forces act on kicking a ball?

A football is kicked with the help of foot muscles. So, the force applied is muscular force.

When you kick a ball there is an equal force on your foot as there is on the ball?

The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that there are always two forces that are the same. In the example where you kicked the ball there is the force of your foot on the ball, but there is also the same amount of force that the ball puts on your foot.

What is the action and reaction of kicking a ball?

Newtons third law states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” In soccer, when you kick the soccer ball you will feel the force of the kick back into your leg. You wont feel the force as much because your legs have more mass than the soccer ball.

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Which law of motion says that a kicked ball would fly forever if it wasnt for forces like air friction and gravity?

Newton’s third law of motion.

Why does a ball moves when you kick it?

Friction. Players use friction to slow the motion of the ball, as a way to control it and keep it from going out of bounds. When the ball is kicked off-center, the friction between the air and the ball creates curvature of motion.

How does kicking a ball demonstrate Newton’s third law?

According to Newton’s Third Law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The player kicks the soccer ball, and the ball “kicks” back, but the player doesn’t feel the reaction because the player’s leg has more mass and force than the soccer ball.

What causes a ball to roll downhill?

Q: Why does a ball roll down a hill? A: Simply put, gravity is a force that acts betweem the Earth and the ball, pulling them together. Since the Earth is many many times heavier than the Ball, it can be considered that the Earth does not move at all, so only the Ball moves towards the Earth.

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What makes the ball keep on rolling answer?

When a rigid ball rolls on a plane with no other forces, it is known that no friction applies and the ball keeps rolling.

Why does a soccer ball rolling across the field eventually stop?

Friction opposes the motion of all moving objects, so, like the soccer ball, all moving objects eventually come to a stop even if no other forces oppose their motion.