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What games can increase your IQ?

What games can increase your IQ?

Below are 15 games that rely on your strategic, critical-thinking, and imaginative abilities.

  • Lumosity Brain-Training App, free to download.
  • Chinese Mahjong set with compact wooden case, $72.99.
  • Hasbro Scrabble Crossword Game, $16.99.
  • Sudoku: 400+ Sudoku Puzzles (Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard), $6.29.

Are strategy games good for the mind?

Let’s sum up the main points once again: Strategy games allow to exercise one’s mind. The research studies showed that strategy games are really able to improve mental acuity, and therefore performance in the workplace. Strategy games improve teamwork and decision making skills.

Do pro players have high IQ?

Games like DOTA 2 and League of Legends represent a higher population of high IQ individuals than most hobby groups. The more skilled an individual is at certain games, the higher IQ they’re likely to possess. Professional gamers are often very high IQ individuals.

What are intelligence games and how do they improve intelligence?

If you play them often (and properly, too) enough, you’d be able to enhance your intelligence levels. To put it simply, intelligence games are those games that “exercise the brain” and, through that “exercise”, improve your intelligence.

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What are the benefits of playing strategy games?

Strategy games improve teamwork and decision making skills. The games often require players to make decisions similar to those done in business, such as resource allocation, spending, and using resources. This representative nature of the challenges allows to improve these skills in real life.

How to increase your intelligence level?

For your aim, which is to increase your intelligence level, we suggest you focus on playing intelligence games. WHAT ARE INTELLIGENCE GAMES? Brain teasers. Puzzles. Riddles. Logic quizzes and exercises. You’ve probably heard of some, or all, of these before. You’ve probably even played them at least once in your life.

Are video games good or bad for your brain?

Strategy-based video games are good for your brain. Research published in the journal PLOS ONE shows that gamers may benefit from their hobby because it seems to improve brain agility.