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What happened during the Battle of Long Tan?

What happened during the Battle of Long Tan?

The battle of Long Tan was over. Both sides tried to evacuate the injured in the darkness, although several wounded Australians spent a long and terrifying night on the battlefield while the Viet Cong moved around them. 18 Australians were killed at Long Tan and 24 wounded – over one third of the initial force engaged.

Why was the Battle of Long Tan significant?

The battle left one third of the Australian company dead or wounded, making Long Tan the army’s most costly single engagement in Vietnam. Eleven of the dead were National Servicemen and seven were Regular Army soldiers: their average age was 21 years.

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How many Viet Cong were killed in the Battle of Long Tan?

The losses on the Vietnamese side were at least 245 dead, an estimated 350 wounded, and three captured.

Was Long Tan An ambush?

The ambush took place out of Long Tan in a rubber plantation. Soldiers sat in the rubber trees and ambushed the enemy infantry as it drove towards them….Ambush near Long Tan, Vietnam 1970–71.

Places Asia: Vietnam, Phuoc Tuy Province, Long Tan Asia: Vietnam, South Vietnam
Date made c. 1987–1989
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

How many survived long tan?

Officially, 245 bodies were counted on the battlefield by Australian soldiers. However, even though additional bodies and body parts were found over the following days and weeks, the number of 245 remained the officially recorded casualty figure.

How long did the Battle of Lone Pine last?

four days
The Battle of Lone Pine was one of a series of actions fought by the Australian and New Zealand forces during the Gallipoli campaign. The fighting there lasted four days and resulted in over 2,000 Australian casualties, and an estimated 7,000 Turkish casualties.

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How long was Australia in Vietnam War?

In total approximately 60,000 Australians—ground troops, air-force and naval personnel—served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1972.

What role did Townsend play in the Battle of Long Tan?

4.10am: Australian artillery fire ceases. 4.50am: Lt Col Townsend, Commanding Officer of 6RAR orders B Company, 6RAR out on patrol to locate the enemy firing positions used to hit the task force base. They also locate tracks from the enemy party and follow it.

What happened at the Battle of Lone Pine?

Lone Pine A Famous Assault at Lone Pine, 1915 At 5.30 pm on 6 August 1915, the Australian artillery barrage lifted and from concealed trenches in no man’s land the 1st Australian Brigade charged towards the Turkish trenches. The Australians succeeded in drawing the whole of the immediate Turkish reserve.

What was the outcome of the Battle of Lone Pine?

Battle of Lone Pine

Date 6–10 August 1915
Location Gallipoli, Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey)
Result ANZAC victory
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Why did Australia pull out of the Vietnam War?

The Australian withdrawal effectively commenced in November 1970. As a consequence of the overall US strategy of Vietnamization and with the Australian government keen to reduce its own commitment to the war, 8 RAR was not replaced at the end of its tour of duty.